Monday, January 20, 2014

Chapter 1 - Becoming an e-Teacher

Focus Question: What roles does technology play in the lives of students and teachers?

In the world of education, technology has opened the door to new and fun ways to teach and to learn through different types of technology devices. Let’s face it, you cannot even go to a store, restaurant, and so on without seeing people hands and eyes focus on their electronic devices whether it is smartphones, laptops, tablets, or other types of eReaders. To most people, it is just everyday life. In fact, a lot of us could not even function without are technology devices. Technology has given people the ability to communicate such as emails, texting, face to face communication through a technology device. 
The roles technology plays in the lives of both students and teachers. For students, I think technology has greatly improved organization which ultimately leads to more success, educationally and otherwise. Technology allows you to create a schedule or a list of things to do and then be reminded of when to do it, or that you haven't accomplished it yet. I also love programs like task manger or calendar app with this my schedule can easily be shared with others in my family and work colleges. When plans suddenly change, technology has allowed us to make necessary phone calls so that more time is not wasted.

For teachers, technology is like a teacher aid, and makes a teacher life easier. Nowadays, teachers use technology when making their lessons plans and they incorporate technology techniques into their learning style. It gives their students a chance to enhance their learning by seeing the content in a visual setting which makes student’s feel that there more involve with the discussion through different programs and devices such as PowerPoints, webinars, online learning tools, digital photos and videos, Smart boards, ect. New programs and apps are being made every day with new and easy ways to help students learn in all subjects.

Tech Tool 1.1: Tablets, Smartphones, and Laptops. 

As a college student entering into the working class it would be in the best of interest to get familiar with technology. Mainly computers and tablets and also learning there formats along with learning how to use the apps. App is short for application which can be downloaded to almost any Apple or Android device. After reading the article from the tech tool section in the textbook which it discusses different types of technology that could be used to help teachers perform in a more organized way and could lead their students into a new world of learning with devices such as, tablets, smartphones, and laptops. 

Tablets are light and portable it makes it a breeze to search for document, apps, and other types of learning tools which you can search the web as well as read textbooks. However in a classroom setting teachers and students would use these devices to do research for reports, lesson plan makers, and dictionaries apps just like other devices such as smartphones and laptops. When it comes to picking the right devices it all depends on what profession you are in for example some people may use one device when others may use all three devices.  

Photo Credit to Holtsman on Flickr

Summary & Connection:
After reading this chapter I now understand what it means to be a teacher of the 21st century and how technology is a great tool for educators. As a future teacher, I have learned new techniques that I can retain so when the time comes. I can present these skills to my students. In order for me to learning theses skills I had to first find out what the textbook was referring to “new teachers of the 21st century” (Maloy, O’Loughlin, Edwards, & Woolf, 2013).  By doing so, I have learned that computer technologies and other programs such as web 2.0 are great tools for creating fun learning actives great for all students. Another aspect of 21st century teaching is bringing in digital and electronic assets such as students using different apps for enhancing their learning. I also learned what building a digital identity as a teacher. It refers to what technological knowledge and skills that a teacher already possess. In which a teacher can learn and add more knowledge and technology skills to their resume. It makes you wonder how people lived and learned before technology came into this world.


Maloy, R., O’Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.